Aug 12, 2009

new music bulletins

why goths have lost touch with the dark punk roots?we want gigs like that..

hey,the tall ones with the mohawks in the audience kinda look like insects, grasshopers..:)
anyway,very sick video & pogo hope you enjoyed..
download trapodolls demo here-the link ius from them

it actually is very good music.
spread the word.

red voice choir amazing band,also aavailable for download here
thank you mark splatter & alex..

no pogo this time but we ll see what we can do..:)
new new music,support the scene guys-there is only a limited thing stuff from the 80s can give back..we need to build our scene around new bands also..

and as for greeks?
check out the discussion for new amazing greek bands here..
linked with profiles of the bands

love you!

Theatre Of Hate (live) @ WGT Liepzig, Germany 2009

it looks damn great once a punk band alaways a punk band;) a new emergence of deathrock everyday.. come and help and we ll make everything better each day.. the dj's , the club owners, the companies are only now starting to realise that the people can arm themselves, and not be dependent on them.. the blogspot the community facebook!-for some reason or another! updates soon to come: mail order & mail orders we support posters & pics sections international deathrock scene:links & bands.. remember,get involved!myspace or facebook wont change a scene although we get to meet we need to do things together lets dress up and go to concerts us with the stall..whatever band of holy joy NINA HAGEN mad sin kan kan & in the nursery & clan of xymox no more & human puppets the meteors peter murphy stay sick!

ps.the rain killed my cactus

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